The INTERNATIONAL MATHEMATICS OLYMPIAD COMPETITION OF SOUTHEAST ASIA is an international competition in Mathematics for Kindergarten, six Primary Levels (Grades 1 to 6), four Secondary Levels (Secondary 1 to 4), and one Senior Secondary Level (Grade 11 & 12). It aims to promote excellence and proficiency in Mathematics through friendly global competitions and to promote Southeast Asia’s tourism, with the Philippines as the first destination, then Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, and other SEA countries to other country partners worldwide.
Arithmetic and Number Theory
Number & Number Sense, Fundamental Operations, Cryptarithm/Alphametics, Least/Greatest Number, Ordinals, Fractions, and Other Operations.
Logical Analysis
Comparison and Replacement, Excess-Shortage Calculations, Assumptions (Cars & Bicycles, Chicken & Rabbit), Recursive Patterns, Page Number Problems, Tessellations; Shortest Path Analysis, Abstract Reasoning and Data Handling.
Perimeter, Area, Geometric Figures (Counting Figures and Symmetry), and Measurements of Time, Money, Temperature, etc.
Pigeonhole Principle, Counting Principle, Arrangement, and Probability.
Arithmetic and Number Theory
Number & Number Sense, Fundamental Operations, Cryptarithm/Alphametics, Least/Greatest Number, Ordinals, Fractions, Decimals, Percent, Ratio and Proportion, Order of Operations, Remainder Theorem, Number Patterns, Other Operations, Prime Factorization, Divisibility, Greatest Common Factor, Least Common Multiple, Euclidean Algorithm, Modular Arithmetic, Indices, and Bases other than 10.
origin and structure of the earth; plate tectonics; earth materials and processes; natural hazards, mitigation, and adaptation; history of the earth; geology, minerals and energy; the scientific method; ecology; the biosphere; climate, hydrosphere and atmosphere; population; the land, forests and soil; water resources and water pollution; energy and resources; societies and policy; sustainability and the human endeavor; waste management
Logical Analysis
Comparison and Replacement, Excess-Shortage Calculations, Assumptions (Cars & Bicycles, Chicken & Rabbit), Recursive Patterns, Page Number Problems, Maximum/Minimum Concept, Approximations, Variable Relationships, Truth Analysis, Data Handling, Work Problem, Venn Diagram, Tessellations; and Shortest Path Analysis and Data Handling.
Pigeonhole Principle, Counting Principle, Arrangement, Stairs Problem (Fibonacci series), Permutation, Combination, and Probability.
Number Theory
Number & Number Sense; Real Numbers; Infinite Complex Fractions; Divisibility; Ratio, Proportion and Variations; Indices and Radicals; Bases other than 10; Modular Arithmetic, Diophantine Equation and Euclidean Algorithm; Fermat’s Theorem; Sums of Divisors; The Φ Function; Wilson’s Theorem; The Pell Equation; and General Methods.
Logical Analysis
Mathematical Induction; Infinite Series; Progressions (Sequences & Series); Summation; Set Theory; Model Theory; and Recursion Theory and Data Handling.
Indices and Radicals; Factorization and Manipulations; Polynomials; Functions (Transformation and Inversion); Linear & Quadratic Functions; Systems of Linear & Quadratic Equations; Absolute Value Inequalities; Trivial Inequality; Linear & Quadratic Inequalities; Binomial Theorem; Remainder Theorem; Rational Expressions; Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
Plane Figures (Perimeters, Areas); Analytic Geometry (Coordinates, Distance, Slopes, Circles & Conics); Three Dimensional Geometry (Cubes, Boxes, Cylinders, Spheres, Prisms, Cones, Pyramids, and Polyhedron); Translations (Shifts, Turns, Flips, Stretches, Squeezes); Triangles (Angles and Trigonometric Functions) and Triangle Similarities & Congruencies; and Quadrilaterals and Polygons.
Identities; Pascal’s Identity; Binomial Theorem; Counting and Probability (Constructive Counting, 1-1 Correspondence, Pigeonhole Principle); Fibonacci Numbers, Recursion; Permutation; Combination; Expectation; and Conditional Probability