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The INTERNATIONAL SCIENCE OLYMPIAD COMPETITION OF SOUTHEAST ASIA, ISOCSEA for brevity, is an international competition in Science for Primary Levels (Grades 1 to 6), Junior Secondary Levels (Grades 7 to 10), and one Senior Secondary Level (Grade 11 & 12).  It aims to promote excellence and proficiency in Mathematics through friendly global competitions and to promote Southeast Asian’s tourism, with the Philippines as the first destination, then Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, and other SEA countries to other country partners worldwide.


animals and plants; human body systems; life stages and development; adaptations; food chain and food webs; seed dispersion and plant propagation.


materials used in everyday life (properties and intended uses); observable changes in matters; salts; pollution effects; heating and cooling effects on materials (metals and nonmetals); food and household products.

Essay Writing

Earth and Environment Sciences


movement of gears; effects of motion; effects of temperature; electricity and electrical circuits; sound; and, simple machines.

seasons; direction of shadows; weather and clouds; rocks; wind, water, and air; food chain and food webs; weathering and erosion; land forms and water forms.

space phenomenon; phases of the moon; position of stars; solar system; heavenly bodies; and, meteorology.



cell organelles; cell transport; cell division; DNA and protein synthesis; from molecules to organisms; mutations; population genetics; cell respiration; photosynthesis; ecology; evolution; population genetics; inheritance and variation of traits; evolution and natural selection; taxonomy; energy and dynamics


matter and its properties; measurements; atoms, molecules and ions; stoichiometry; gas laws; electronic structure of atoms; electronic structure and periodicity; chemical bonding & ionic bonds; covalent bonds; organic compounds; intermolecular forces, liquids and gases; physical properties of solution; thermochemistry; chemical kinetics; chemical thermodynamics; chemical equilibrium; acid, base, salts equilibria; electrochemistry;


Earth and Environment Sciences

Space Sciences

Units and Measurement; Vectors and Projectiles; Kinematics; Newton’s Laws; Forces in Two Dimensions; Work, Energy and Power; Center of Mass, Momentum, Impulse and Collisions; Rotational Equilibrium and Rotational Dynamics; Gravity; Periodic Motion; Mechanical Waves and Sounds; Fluid Mechanics; Temperature and Heat; Ideal Gases and Laws of Thermodynamics; Static Electricity; Electric Circuits; Light and Color; Reflection and Mirrors; Refraction and Lenses

origin and structure of the earth; plate tectonics; earth materials and processes; natural hazards, mitigation, and adaptation; history of the earth; geology, minerals and energy; the scientific method; ecology; the biosphere; climate, hydrosphere and atmosphere; population; the land, forests and soil; water resources and water pollution; energy and resources; societies and policy; sustainability and the human endeavor; waste management

formation of the universe; universe; galaxies; the big bang; black holes; space explorations; solar system; earth moon system; earth in the solar system; measuring distances in the solar system and beyond; parallax and distance to asteroids; weather; planetology; comparing planets and stars; cosmic scale and cosmic address; space geology; space life; and space medicine


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Global League of Winners, Inc.



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25 Mission Extension, La Paz, Iloilo City

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Inquiries: +639385555505

Training: +639272981389

Competitions: +639473348908

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